Do you have a confidence problem….

Feb 05, 2024

I had a profound conversation with a woman determined to grow her business but held back by the belief that she needed more confidence. 


💥Here's the truth bomb I dropped: 


Confidence isn't about gaining something new; it's about recognizing what you already have‼️


We dived into a transformative exercise. The task? Reflect on your past victories, no matter how small they seem. 


Remember those times you nailed a problem, adapted to a curveball, or learned something new by reaching out for help. 


This isn't just reminiscing; it's gathering evidence, hard proof, that you've got what it takes.


The aim here is to shatter the illusion of 'not being good enough.' It's a wake-up call to see the undeniable proof from your own life story that you're capable, resourceful, and downright resilient. 


This exercise isn't just about feeling good; it's about reprogramming your belief system.


The shift happens when you stop looking outside for confidence and start seeing the wealth of strength you've been building all along. 


It's not about creating confidence; it's about uncovering the confidence that's been buried under layers of self-doubt.


So, if you're chasing confidence, stop. 🛑 


Turn around and look at the trail of achievements and hard-fought battles behind you. 


That's where your real confidence lies - not in the unknown future, but in the very real, very powerful past you've navigated successfully. 


Own it. 


Trust it. 


Use it. 


This is how you transform not just your business, but your entire approach to life and its challenges.




Designing Your Extraordinary Life Playbook

This is more than an exercise; it's a gateway to a life that sparkles with purpose and joy. Let’s unleash the magic within you!


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